
Gmail 新面貌

據 Gmail 官方 Blog 所述,Gmail 將會有為幅不小的改進。有些人甚至已經可以搶鮮嘗試新版的 Gmail 了,不過在我申請的數個帳號中,還不見新版的蹤影,可能還得等上一等。新版 Gmail 主要是改善效能與易用性,最大改變在於通訊錄管理與 mail prefetching,詳情請見 Official Gmail Blog 上的文章。Gmail 會進步到什麼程度令人期待,不過我覺得有意思的是這篇文章的最後一段:

One side effect of this change is that if you're using third-party Gmail extensions, they're likely to stop working. We've contacted a number of the developers behind some popular extensions and provided them with an opportunity to create fixes, so check back with them for updates. We're sorry that it may be a bit of a inconvenience, but we're trying to make this change as smooth as possible.
由此看來 Google 蠻鼓勵「在 Gmail 上面搞花樣」的,甚至還會主動提醒一些 third-party Gmail 擴充套件的作者有關 Gmail 架構的改變,並提供因應方法。我想,現行有些軟體把 Gmail 源源不絕的儲存空間做為他用,這樣的作法似乎是 Google 所默許的(至少尚未禁止)。

[更新] 2007-11-08 - 我的 Gmail 出現新版了! (不過目前似乎只支援 Firefox)

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